Youth UnMuted

Youth Unmuted logoYouth UnMuted facilitates pop-up creative storytelling and art workshops with displaced youth, increasing resilience and building peer-to-peer support networks.

Founded by Daphne Morgen and Hannah Brumbaum in April 2018 in response to the lack of adequate programming for refugee youth in Greece, many of whom are stuck in a state of chronic trauma for years, Daphne and Hannah were determined to establish a program that provided a space and the tools necessary for youth to reclaim their own experiences.

Youth UnMuted seeks to elevate youth voices through creative storytelling – emboldening participants to shape their own narratives – and by elevating their voices through the online Youth UnMuted Magazine.


Now You Hear US Podcast

Early in 2020, amidst a global pandemic, Daphne began to connect with some of the Youth UnMuted network of young people who have moved on from Greece and now have asylum elsewhere in Europe.

During one of the many conversations with the youth about the challenges they've faced, and issues they care deeply about, the idea of a podcast was born - a medium through which the youth could directly share their unfiltered views with a global audience. Since then, the podcast, aptly named Now You Hear US has slowly and organically come to fruition. The podcast is aimed at elevating the voices of youth who have experienced displacement, delving into topics such as art, friendship, identity, migration, and much more. it is created by and with youth who have experienced displacement.