IAM is currently accepting applications for fiscal sponsorship!
How do I apply?
All applicants are required to submit a completed application form and project budget. IAM accepts applications on a rolling basis throughout the year.
Download IAM’s Fiscal Sponsorship Application Form (MS Word .docx) and Project Budget Worksheet (Excel) (Google Docs and Google Sheets versions are also acceptable).
Email the completed Application and Budget, including Budget Notes, with all supporting documents to admin@artsandmedia.net.
You will receive a confirmation email from IAM within 2-3 business days of receipt of your application.
Model A Applicants: Please note that IAM will only consider Model A applications from projects located in California, with preference given to Bay Area applicants.
IAM's Review Process:
Application packets are rigorously reviewed by IAM staff and Board members. We invite all project leaders to meet with IAM's Executive Director to briefly discuss your project and answer any questions you may have. (This initial meeting is not required for Model C applicants.)
IAM evaluates applications on the following criteria:
- How well the project fits into IAM’s charitable purpose, mission, and values.
- Commitment and relevant experience of project leaders.
- How well articulated are the project's goals and plans to achieve them.
- Compliance with IRS guidelines for activities of 501(c)(3) organizations.
- The specific needs of the project and its organizational framework.
In addition, for Model A Affiliates, IAM evaluates the project's strategies for funding and programming growth, potential scope of liabilities and personnel needs, and project leadership's understanding of the Model A relationship.
When will I receive a response?
Model C and C+ Fiscal Sponsorship:
Model C and C+ applications are reviewed by IAM's Executive Director. IAM can typically provide a response within 3-5 business days once a complete application is received.
Model A Fiscal Sponsorship:
Applications for Model A sponsorship must be approved by the Affiliate Advisory Committee of the IAM Board of Directors.
The Affiliate Advisory Committee meets to consider applications on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Complete applications must be received no later than three weeks prior to the meeting. The Advisory Committee may also consider applications at other times upon special request and subject to the Committee’s availability, in its sole discretion.